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The business of apps: planning your first successful mobile app

20th September 2023

4-minutes read

For many businesses, the world of mobile apps can be intimidating. How do you know where to start? What tools do you need? What are the key considerations?

Let’s look at seven guiding principles to help you plan, design and build your first mobile app for your business. With these principles in hand, you can create an effective mobile app that meets both the needs of your business and your customers.

Why does your business need a mobile app?

With millions of people using smartphones and tablets, all businesses have the opportunity use these platforms to reach their target audience. A mobile app gives you a presence in your client’s pocket, which means that you can connect with them directly and in a personalised way, offering them convenience, ease of use, and access to your products or services at their fingertips.

A mobile app gives your communications both immediacy and intimacy and keeps you ahead of your competitors if they haven’t yet embraced the same opportunity.

Define your goals

When you plan your first mobile app, it’s crucial that you define clear goals and objectives. What do you hope to achieve with your app? Is it to increase sales, improve customer engagement, or streamline internal processes? A clear understanding of your goals will help both you and your developer align your app’s design with your business objectives.

Android, iOS or both?

You should also consider the platform on which you want to develop your app – iOS, Android or both? If your app is aimed at a narrowly-defined audience - perhaps because it’ll be used internally by your company's staff - you might only need to develop for a single platform because everyone within your organisation uses the same technology.

But if you’re pitching your app at the public or for general consumption, you will need both an Android app and an iOS app and this may require two different development projects. Your Android app simply won't work on an iPhone (and vice versa) and, similarly, your Android developer may not be the right person to develop your iPhone app. Be sure to raise this with your prospective development team before the project starts so there are no nasty surprises later.

Who’s your target audience?

Understanding who your app is designed for will help you tailor the features and user experience to meet their needs and preferences. Consider factors such as age, demographics, and mobile device usage.

Additionally, make sure that you don’t try to make both apps (your iOS version and your Android version) exactly the same. Users on different platforms have expectations about how a native app should work and forcing an Android user to use a use an app that has more of an Apple feel will not go done well.

Choosing the right features for your mobile app

Think about the functionality that your app will need and how this will support your business goals. But avoid a common mistake that new app developers often make by trying to make your app all things to all men. The most effective and popular business apps have a clear purpose, are aimed at a specific target group and don’t include features that depart from this main objective. By carefully selecting features that will appeal to your audience, you can create a successful mobile app that's fit for purpose.

Plan your app's user experience

Your mobile app's user experience (UX) is essential to its success. It's crucial to plan carefully how your users will interact with the app and ensure it provides a seamless and enjoyable experience. Consider factors such as ease of navigation, intuitive design, and responsiveness to user actions. Conduct user testing to gather feedback and make improvements. And remember, a positive user experience will keep your users engaged and coming back for more, ultimately leading to the success of your mobile app and your business.

Launching your app successfully

Publishing your app in the App Store and Google Play is the culmination of your hard work and planning. It's an exciting and important moment for your business. To ensure a successful launch, make sure you thoroughly test your app, gather feedback, and address any issues or bugs before going live. Create a comprehensive marketing plan to generate buzz around your app. Leverage social media, email marketing, and other channels to reach your target audience and build anticipation.

And most importantly, listen to your users' feedback and continuously improve your app based on their needs and preferences. With a well-executed launch strategy, your mobile app can become a valuable asset for your business.

Considering a new mobile app project? Call Rubiqa on 01332 331332 for a free no-obligation chat with Jeremy

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Jeremy Flight

Jeremy Flight

Technical Director

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